Thursday, November 30, 2017

Movement Studies

The Landmark photographs of Eadweard Muybridge have long fascinated me. For those unfamiliar with his ground breaking work in motion photography. He is the photographer who, using a series of trip wires set of a series of cameras: capturing a horse in full gallop, and answering the question as to whether all four legs are ever off the ground at once (they are not). 

He must have also been incredibly persuasive because he persuaded many of his friends to pose in the nude engaging in any number of activities. The movement studies visible below are drawn from his work, trying to engage with movement not just as an aspect of action but also as it plays out in time.

While the first three studies were done in Mexico most of these works were created just after I returned to Israel, but they continue many of the preoccupations I had in Mexico. All of the materials were brought from Mexico: hand woven paper from Oaxaca, organic natural pigments from my friends in San Agustinillo. They also contain a dynamism and a joie de vivre which I credit in retrospect to my optimism at the time, and the fact that I may just have been happy.

movement study #1
movement study #2
movement study #3

movement study #4

movement study #5

movement study #6
movement study #7
movement study #8  (sold)
movement study #9
movement study #10
movement study #11
movement study #12
movement study #13
movement study #14
movement study #15